Human Resource System

About the system

Human resources management has become a major burden with increased growth. The documents prepared by the employees, including requests and investigations, are from here t The idea of ​​automating human resources management until it becomes easier than it is It brought about a human resources system that reaped its fruits. To To reduce the burden, but not all of the burden, so we decided to mechanize for an entire system by issuing a paperless HR system that can Extract the general concept of this system from the few lines It remains clear that it is the management of human resources movement in all its forms. Based on resource management models humanity as follows:

System definition

    It is a system based on the human resources modeling machine. It should be assigned to employees according to the nature of their work and level. The job held by the user of the system, including:

  1. - Penal action form
  2. In this case, the employee’s direct manager applies a penalty due to a violation. A statement completed by an employee, with a detailed presentation of this procedure and its consequences. It includes the proposed list of penal procedures prepared by the Human response, and this request is sent according to the administrative structure to take Agreeing to this procedure , The system then sends the procedure to the competent authorities In order to express the decision in this procedure, the dispute also sends A copy of the procedure for the employee who was subjected to the procedure for information according to the law. The work also can present a petition in this action taken, and that This is done through the document settings, as shown in the figure Next is a sample procedure.

  3. - Administrative transfer model
  4. The employee who made the request will be transferred to another department according to For jobs available or from place To a place or from one job to another after the approval of the direct manager. The direct manager of the entity to which the employee is transferred

  5. - Resignation form
  6. In this case, the applicant submits his resignation after the The reasons that prompted him to submit his resignation, and the resignation is approved after All electronic forecasts will be completed according to the administrative structure in The system approves the resignation starting from the date of leaving work. For a specified amount in the request, and based on it, the system prepares a reward. End of service according to the prepared end of service setting By human resources, this employee’s file is closed and kept Use it as a reference to the system

  7. - Vacation form
  8. Through this form, the applicant for leave applies by specifying the type of salary Payment period (annual - emergency - sick - Other) and the alternative employee for him while on leave, and the The leave system after the approval of the concerned authorities Request

  9. - Work start form
  10. The employee prepares the application in the following cases (direct: After appointment - immediately after Suspension from work – immediately after vacation

  11. - Task assignment form
  12. The task owner is editing this request to do his or her task. mentioned in the request, through the start date of the task and the date of completion End

  13. - Receivable note
  14. In this case, an amount is deducted from the employee’s monthly salary due to... Approved by the originator of the request

  15. - Loan form
  16. The employee applies for a loan according to the terms of the application. The request was disbursed after approval Concerned parties

  17. - Service termination form
  18. It is released in the event that the employee has reached retirement age or is insufficient to work. ml, and then the system prepares the entitlements of that employee according to End of service counters

  19. - Stop working form
  20. The system then notifies the authorities that this employee has stopped working. Work until this replacement is flexed. The employee continues to work until new notice.

  21. - Salary adjustment form
  22. The employee requests a change in his salary

  23. - Performance evaluation form
  24. The employee’s direct manager evaluates the employee’s performance

    The result of the evaluation is as follows:

Paperless human resources system

There is no doubt that human resources are one of the most important administrative functions. To focus on the human element and a basic pillar in The majority of organizations aim to strengthen organizational capabilities and Enabling companies to attract and qualify competencies necessary and capable, and human resources management is specifically concerned with The optimal use of available and expected human resources. On the basis and rules of the organization stipulated by the management of Human resources, so we came up with such systems in order to We keep pace and interact moment by moment with the Human Resources Department on As follows:

System contents

» Human resources system :-

    It is a system that structures and prepares general rules and procedures The provisions for the organization’s employees are as follows:

  1. - Administrative structure
  2. This is what the system does to place the administrative structure in a tree-like manner. Higher management explained And the middle and executive level until the institution is represented as a pyramid. Administrative (departments).

  3. - Jobs
  4. This property defines the structure-based functions administrative and its characteristics from a minimum and The maximum for that function in addition to the medical insurance categories Insured for whoever holds this job

  5. - Work sites
  6. Through which employees are allocated to enjoyable work sites Repeat until it is easy to monitor Their attendance and departure are automatic according to working hours settings.

  7. - Allowances
  8. This feature is based on preparing the allowances decided by the institution’s management This is in all its forms, including suits. A value that is calculated based on hours, days, or ratios. On the basis of basic salary

  9. - End of service preparation
  10. The Human Resources Department prepares an equivalent disbursement End of service by years Work within the organization also according to the type of end of service (dismissal - dismissal) ) The system automatically calculates the end of The service and disbursement of the amount due from the accounts department according to the system For accounts

  11. - Annual vacation
  12. Through this feature, it is possible to set up annual leaves and instead This is when the employee With that leave, as well as his entitlements

  13. - Rules of partial procedures
  14. It is an expression of the lists and laws by which the institution operates. By punishing the violator, this feature works automatically after the completion of the preparation. This is based on the repetition of the error during the repeated period, for example Anyone who is late for official work hours for a repeated and scheduled period In setting working hours, The penalty prescribed for this procedure shall be automatically imposed, and if this procedure is repeated Another time in a period that has been allocated in Rules of Procedure The system automatically applies punishments This is the next step for this procedure. Because the procedure taken the first time is a written warning. The second time, an hour was discounted, and the third time, 1/2 day was discounted.

  15. - Working hours settings
  16. Work periods and weekly holidays according to the nature of the organization’s work And also prepare Entry and exit time, as well as the start of the delay and addition time. And the penal measures for those who violate If there is a delay or absence, as well as allowances for those who do additional work

  17. - Performance evaluation
  18. It is one of the ways in which an employee can make a decision. Submit a request whether it is Promotion, salary increase, or dismissal of incompetent people at work. It depends on a group of elements prepared by Human Resources for an answer of one of (excellent - good) Very - good - acceptable - negative) with a collection The system automatically shows the general estimate for this item. A job. Which makes it easier for decision makers to take quickly. The decision

  19. - Documentation rules
  20. It documents all human resources management models. It works on a system Paperless in terms of the administrative role that has the right to sign money requests The introduction is an example of this. An employee applied for leave from the Paperless system, according to the paperless rules setting. This model must be completed Approval according to the administrative structure, and at the end of the session it is sent to To the human resources manager, we assume that This employee is requested by the Financial Department to hold the position of accountant. B According to the prepared administrative structure, The system sends the request to the employee’s direct manager at The request must be approved and then sent to the financial director of the company. Approval and then send a message to the Human Resources Manager to carry out the approval. The previous example shows us who has the right to sign the form with In addition to preparing the end of the session and who will be excluded from the role The document for the request was not sent to the Director General, and then Chairman of the Board of Directors, even though they are within the management structure However, the author of the documentation rules excluded those positions and sufficed with Administrative structure Only department managers

  21. - System documents
  22. Paperless is a human resources management model in which the paperless system works.

  23. - Social insurance
  24. This depends on the nature of the employment contract concluded between the institution, the employee, and It works as per Preparing human resources and deducting it automatically when issuing a statement Salaries

  25. - The employee
  26. It is the employee’s introduction to the system, and it is also the concluded employment contract. Between the institution and the employee It includes the definition of the employee in terms of basic data, salary Essential - Job - Work location - Period of work - contract start date - contract end date - Date of appointment - annual leave - insurance Social - allowances data - dependents data (wife - children), and the entry setting Paperless

  27. - Attendance and departure
  28. The system reads the machines responsible for monitoring entry and exit. Workers are automated

  29. - Salary statement
  30. It is a closing transaction for the month to prepare the monthly Salaries. Salaries is a screen that collects all the movements that took place during the month. Each employee separately and grouped In one statement

  31. - Salaries
  32. Salaries is a screen that collects all the transactions that took place during the month for each employee and collects them in one statement, as shown below

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