Customer Relation Management (CRM)

About The System

Customer relationship management is an approach to manage a company's interaction with current and potential customers. It uses data analysis about customers' history with a company to improve business relationships with customers, specifically focusing on customer retention and ultimately driving sales growth

What CRM system manages

One important aspect of the CRM approach is the systems of CRM that compile data from a range of different communication channels, including a company's website, telephone, email, live chat, marketing materials and more recently, social media. Through the CRM approach and the systems used to facilitate it, businesses learn more about their target audiences and how to best cater to their needs.

Features of the program

    Marketing and sales :
  • These two processes work together to improve your overall customer experience. They both share information about contacts, customer insights, and deals. Marketing teams can help your sales team increase their sales while the sales teams can empower marketing teams in their marketing strategies, brand messages, and campaigns.

  • Contact Management :
  • Contact management is an element of CRM that sometimes goes by customer management software. This allows users to segment your contacts into groups to organize and better cater to them. With this CRM capability, you’ll be able to gather crucial customer data and bolster your marketing strategies when introducing new products. It also improves the personalization of all contacts with customers, making them feel important and catered to. This is a key factor in customer satisfaction!

  • Email :
    The Cost Centers directory acts as the assistance Accounts,the Account directory can be classified as assistance Accounts and Cost Centers Also, the process of analysis of calculations that enable us to view account details, and the system allows the possibility of allocating the accounts of the cost centers on all accounts according to accounting guidance. It is the beginning of the steps taken by the decision-makers.

    Telephony :
    Even if you have hundreds of customers, you can greet them all by name when you connect your phones with CRM. Start building customer relationships by seeing past conversations, notes, and tasks associated with each customer.

    Social :
    If your organization has social media profiles across Facebook and Twitter for individual products or services, CIBS CRM makes it easy to manage them by adding the profiles under a Brand. With a tighter integration with CIBS Social, CIBS CRM seamlessly synchronizes all your brand profiles and settings in real time. Spend less time setting up the system, and more time closing deals.

    Live Chat :
    Engage your website visitors in real time with live chat, and increase your sales conversions. This highly interactive channel lets prospects ask questions or get advice on the products that best fit their needs.

    Portals :
    Let your customers, vendors and partners access their past purchases, cases, and invoices through distinct portals to make informed buying decisions.

    Performance and analytics :
  • The more your business grows, the more you need to know. Measure the performance of every sales activity, and break up quotas into achievable targets with CIBS CRM's reports, analytics, and forecasts.

The Features


Real-time reporting gives you insight into a variety of metrics such as sales trends, marketing campaigns, activity reports, and team performance.


Create dashboards, analyze trends, stay on top of your key performance indicators, and know where you stand on your targets.


Make more accurate forecasts. Predict future sales and measure them against current sales.

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